Holidays of Future Passed

The Simpsons - Season 23 - Episode 9 - Holidays of Future Passed
Watch The Simpsons - Holidays of Future Passed online

About this Simpsons episode:
The Simpsons - Holidays of Future Passed is the 9th episode from season 23 and number 495 overall in the series. The episode has received positive reception from television critics and has been particularly praised for its humor and for its emotional scenes, such as one where Bart and Lisa sit in their old treehouse and talk about how difficult parenting is.
he latest "look-into-the-future" episode sees Bart as a deadbeat dad living in Springfield Elementary (which is now an apartment complex instead of a school) trying to be a good dad to the children he had with Jenda from "Future-Drama". Meanwhile, a pregnant, unwed Maggie (who is now a singer) goes into labor while on her way to family dinner and Lisa tries to find a common bond with her rebellious teenage daughter, Zia.

1 comment:

  1. Tried playing the first video but it says the video is not available
